Custom Environments
Custom Environments can be created from any image, video or 3D model that you have added in to one of your edify lessons. Images and Videos will appear as 360 environments, while 3D objects will attempt to use the model at it's default size as a custom environment, similar to the edify environments.
Note: While all of the specified content can be used as environments, not all will be suitable. Using 360 content or large models as environments is generally recommended.
To specify your content as being an environment rather than a normal object, go to the Objects tab, and find the corresponding card for that content. If it is a compatible file type, in the bottom left there will be a "Move to Custom Environment" option. When you select this, you will need to confirm the move, as the content will not be available to be placed as a normal object while it is functioning as an environment.
Once you have specifed the object, move to the Environments tab, and select the Custom subtab. Here, you will find a list of all content you have selected to be custom environments. These work the same as normal edify environments, information on which can be found here.