Superstructure Design and Construction - Inspection

Immersive CAD model inspection

Built Environment

Lesson Details

Import and inspect CAD models immersively in edify. Students can walk around and explore 1:1 scale models and use our built environment interactive toolkit to interrogate. Annotate, tag or capture construction features and highlight particular meta components as you go.

*In development - coming soon!


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Superstructure Design and Construction - Inspection

Immersive CAD model inspection

Lesson Details:

Import and inspect CAD models immersively in edify. Students can walk around and explore 1:1 scale models and use our built environment interactive toolkit to interrogate. Annotate, tag or capture construction features and highlight particular meta components as you go.

*In development - coming soon!


Check out the other exciting ways you can apply virtual reality to construction and engineering...

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Superstructure Design and Construction - Inspection

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