Bioscience Lab

Customise our Bioscience Lab to teach & learn best wet-lab practices in VR provide a safe Quality Assurance specification learning environment.


Lesson Details

Edify is developing their existing disease diagnostics lab into a customisable, modular bioscience lab. We are creating a regulatory specification Quality Assurance (QA) lab to improve access to QA training scenarios and provide virtual familiarisation training with highly controlled lab setups. It will also be possible for educators to set up virtual experiments – allowing students to gain practice in sample preparation, running common tests such as PCR and in general lab best practice. Our ‘Build-A-Lab’ tool will allow educators to create a lab environment that mimics the setup needed for their specific use case.

*In development - coming soon!


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Bioscience Lab

Customise our Bioscience Lab to teach & learn best wet-lab practices in VR provide a safe Quality Assurance specification learning environment.

Lesson Details:

Edify is developing their existing disease diagnostics lab into a customisable, modular bioscience lab. We are creating a regulatory specification Quality Assurance (QA) lab to improve access to QA training scenarios and provide virtual familiarisation training with highly controlled lab setups. It will also be possible for educators to set up virtual experiments – allowing students to gain practice in sample preparation, running common tests such as PCR and in general lab best practice. Our ‘Build-A-Lab’ tool will allow educators to create a lab environment that mimics the setup needed for their specific use case.

*In development - coming soon!


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Bioscience Lab

Virtual reality protein | Learn about proteins in VR
Virtual reality protein | Learn about proteins in VR
Virtual reality protein | Learn about proteins in VR
Virtual reality protein | Learn about proteins in VR
Virtual reality protein | Learn about proteins in VR
Virtual reality protein | Learn about proteins in VR